published on 2021-02-03From 2012, we discussed smells and perfumes so that he visited us with Heechan Park, a talented Korean architect, who now has his own architecture studio in Seoul (
By definition, odor is a sensation caused by a neuro-physiological connection between a volatile molecule and a neurotransmitter.
The sensation is extended to us by an image, a memory of visual, acoustic, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, thermal sense, attached to a mental representation: perception.
The olfactory perception is one of the most lasting and evocative, commonly called “Proust’s syndrome” (In search of lost time, from the side of Swann, Marcel Proust, 1913_27).
Observe the scent over time 시간이 지남에 따라 향기를 관찰하십시오
Heechan is the creator of an architectural time machine that explores how to create an architectural event based on time.
This project was the subject of an article in We Make Money Not Art!
“As the machines blow rings of vapor that also serve as ephemeral scent zones, audiences not only experience a visual performance of swirls of smoke traveling through space, but they also perceive scents spatialized and visualized in time. “
The notion of smell is intimately linked with that of time, that of memory, that of wake and volatility.
Heechan’s system is an allegory to perfume whose etymology comes from the word “per fumum”, literally “by the smoke”.
Our friend was able to materialize this journey of scent in a defined space.
For sensing architecture 민감한 아키텍처 용
These exchanges commonly lead us to the thinkikng of an olfactory architecture, an architecture of the fluid where the architect and the perfumer master and fill air and space with their creation.
With concrete materials, natural or synthetic molecules, the perfumer-creator will shape the material of a perfume.
This material is a set of olfactory memories that he associates with thought on paper with a formula, like a plan.
The architectural firm shapes complex buildings, it has the art of imagining, designing and managing their implementation.
In this architecture, the architect would have mastered this invisible art of perfume and the different techniques for diffusing scent in space and its effects on this environment.