Olfactory university education

PERFUME, from olfaction to creation is a training course intended for DESS students in cosmetology at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi UQAC (www.uqac.ca)
Aware of the importance of smells and perfumes in our society and our environment, this course led by Pierre Benard Ségu, perfumer and olfactory artistic director of OSMOART, offers participants the opportunity to enrich their olfactory culture and to know how to apply new knowledge in their field of work.
During these 2 days, students will have a clear (olfactory) vision of the perfume industry and the profession of perfume composer.
He will teach the “systematic scent” method in order to develop, educate and stimulate the sensorialities and the essential functions of olfaction but also to understand the connections between natural or synthetic raw materials in order to understand the olfactory formulation.
Training aims :
Awaken your sense of smell.
Classify your olfactory memory according to the “systematics of scents”
Enrich your olfactory and perfume culture.
Acquire skills in olfactory creation.
Understand and improve the formulas depending on the application and the desired effect.
Learn the basics of perfume formulation.